Collision Repair Services

A Toronto Auto Collision Repair Facility Offering Superior Quality & Excellence

Auto Collision Repair

From frame damage repair using state-of-the-art equipment to full body restorations, alignments, glass, air conditioning, airbags, mechanical, electrical and more, we are recognized for our above industry standard quality in auto collision repair and service. Auto collision repair is more than just fixing a damaged car, it’s about restoring the vehicle to its pre-accident condition. We equally prioritize safety for you and your family and conduct very careful and meticulous final inspections. Not only to we raise the bar in terms of industry standards, but we’ll often go the extra mile, if possible, and fine tune what needs tuning so that everything is working in total optimal condition.

Superior Quality & Excellence

With RSC, You will have peace of mind knowing that you are in the hands of our I-Car Gold Class professionals. Our technicians are trained to the highest level and consider each job a personal and professional mission to return your car to factory specifications and/or better condition. We are experts in auto collision repair and provide a full-service solution for all car accident and vehicle collision damage. Superior quality and excellence are the foundation to a Royal Synergies repair and remains consistent throughout each of our locations.

Royal Synergies Collision is partnered with leading insurance providers so that your experience is easy and simple. Our goal is to handle everything for you from A to Z, ultimately lowering stress as much as possible. Being in an accident is difficult enough, so the process that follows, shouldn‘t need to be as well. We are dealer approved and dedicated at providing our customers with the best service in the industry.

Body Work and Dent Repair

Royal Synergies Collision is a leader in body and frame repair, from small dents to major panel replacement and body work. It is absolutely crucial to understand all areas of a damaged vehicle, but most importantly how to correct and restore it back to factory specification. Auto body and dent repair services are one of our specialties. We are passionate about bringing cars back to life and we understand the technical details behind every dent, scratch, bend and crack. Apart from returning the overall appearance and look back to new, we also restore the corrosion protection in order to prevent any premature panel replacement